Ultrafast 3D Random access (Requires laser at 50kHz or 100kHz)
By time locking The AODscope with a 50kHz or 100kHz laser, each pulse can be addressed in 3D as a diffractive point or holography pattern (patented)
Volume range 500x500x500µm

Fast optical recording of neuronal activity by three-dimensional custom-access serial holography
W Akemann, S Wolf, V Villette, B Mathieu, A Tangara, J Fodor, C Ventalon, J-F Léger, S Dieudonné, L Bourdieu Nature Methods 2021
Fast spatial beam shaping by acousto-optic diffraction for 3D non-linear microscopy
W. Akemann, J.-F. Léger, C. Ventalon, B. Mathieu, S. Dieudonné and L. Bourdieu Optics Express 2015