Fast imaging
Non mechanical scanner
Fullfield scan up to 40Hz
mROI scan up to kHz
Multiplane scan up to 20Hz
Ultrafast random access 2D
Unique speed recording
POI up to 100kHz/POIs
ULoVE up to 20kHz/VOIs
Validated voltage indicator recording
Ultrafast random access 3D
Unique speed recording in 3D
Point of interest up to 50kHz/POIs
Serial holography up to 50kHz/VOIs
Evolutive design
Customized configuration
Upgradable and extendable
Up to 2 scanner channels
High-end hardware
highest performances
Ghz high speed electronics
Photon counting
Giga sample analog acquisition
Ultra precise synchronisation

Achromatic beam expanders with
integrated laser health and alignment diagnostics

One or two acousto-optic scanlines with integrated
dispersion compensation scheme

Ultra-slim epidetection system with maximized collection efficiency
high speed piezo Z actionner.

Fast imaging
Easy and flexible imaging in all dimensions
Linear scan over any field of view
Ultrafast scanning with adjustable dwell time down to 50ns/pixel
Interplane/InterROI access time of 10 µs
Silent scanning for unperturbed behavioural experiments
Freely selectable Multi ROIs up to maximum speed
Multi-plane imaging at different Z with no moving parts
Ultrafast Random access
From voltage recording to photostimulation
Freely selectable POIs up to 100kHz/POI
<10nm pointing accuracy and repeatability.
Our automatic inter episodic 3D stabilization gives you <100 nm stability
Ultrafast Local Volume Excitation (ULoVE) 20kHz/VOIs
Holographic volume expansion
Mitigates in vivo movement artifacts
Enhances optogenetic stimulation efficiency
Voltage recording validated

Ultrafast 3D Random access (optional)
By time locking The AODscope with 50Khz laser, each pulse can be addressed in 3D as a diffractive point or holography pattern
In 500x500x500µm
Freely selectable 3D POIs up to 50kHz/POI
<10nm pointing accuracy and repeatability.
Our automatic inter episodic 3D stabilization gives you <100 nm stability
Freely selectable 3D Holography (3D-CASH) 50kHz/VOIs
AODscope as fast (khz) spatial light modulators for sequential 3D holography
Holographic patterning mitigates movement artefacts and increases signal levels
Enhances optogenetic stimulation efficiency

Ultra-sensitive low-noise detection
No matter the wonders delivered by our AOD light-steering technology, the quality of your experiments ultimately depends on your photon flux and signal to noise ratio.
That is why Karthala System has invested in last-generation detectors and high-precision custom electronics. Combined with optimized photon collection, shot-noise limited fluorescent signals will give you the sensitivity you always craved for.
High efficiency liquid guide design (5 mm)
Large collection Angle
32 mm filter and XL dichroic
Protected shutter for intense illumination
1 or 2 Hamamatsu GaAsP 40µA detectors with/without gated
Karthala imaging software
User friendly software
Multi scan channel interface
Automatic 3D stabilization of episodic acquisitions (during the inter-episode dwell time)
External triggers, electrophysiology synchronization
Hardware control (microscope, stages, camera)
Data acquisition and automatic saving, easy data post-processing on open image and data formats
Embedded data visualizer